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Elijah Mathew
Geboren inUnited States
2 months
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Mommy Loves Happy 10th Birthday! November 9, 2021
Happy Birthday my Elijah Kutta! Wow it's been 10 years, your a big boy now! Your having a bigger party with Jesus. I wish I could be there with you. Mommy will fight all battles to get to hold you again. Please watch over me and keep me strong, Bcz sometimes that's hard for me. I really need to see you again and Praying for my wish to come true. Till then, miss you soo much. 

Love you Always❤️! 

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear” – Anonymous
Mommy Loves Happy 8th Birthday in Heaven! November 9, 2019
Dear Elijah kutta,
Happy 8th Birthday! I can‘t believe it’s been that long. My sweetheart your my Soul. I miss you, long to hear your voice. i Am lost for words kutta, life has changed soo much. all I can say I love you soo much and one day to meet with you in heaven. i always think of you and knowing your with God is the only thing makes me happy. everything Else makes me sad. But I will wait For our time Again. Please continue to watch over us, esp. your sister and new brother! 

Love you Always,
your mommy ❤️
Mommy Loves 7 years my Baby Boy... January 9, 2019
Mommy Loves Happy 7th Birthday Elijah Kutta! November 9, 2018
Dear Elijah,

Happy Birthday Kuttapi! I can’t  believe your seven now! My Angel! I wish we could celebrate together, but I know your Birthday is far more better with Jesus! I‘m sending you lots and lots of love today!  I haven’t forgotten all those memories of you, keeping them in my heart. I always wish one day I can kiss and hug you soo tight and never let go. Mommy’s life keeps going without you here. Your sister has come to this world, soo beautiful and soo sweet like you. One day I hope God will bring us all together to share our magnificent reunion. I miss you my boy. I hope you continue watch over us till we meet again. I Love you soo much. Happy 7th Birthday!


Love always,
Your mommy.

 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NIV

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

Mommy Loves 6 years ago... January 9, 2018
Mommy Loves Happy 6 years old Elijah! November 9, 2017

Dear Elijah Kutta,

Happy Birthday my Love! Wish you were here... Mommy always thinks of you and will never forget this beautiful day. Always wishes and dreams of you and holding you in my arms. Your birthday is always a reminder of what is true love. You will always be my special gift from God. I will always cherish the times I had you. I really really miss seeing you smile, the day you were born you smiled soo much... I’m really trusting God to give me more of you when I see you again. A lot has changed since you’ve been gone, Mommy’s life changed a lot. Again, never imagined to be where I am today, I have learned to move on somehow...My God Loves a lot. This world is not for me or us, we are just passing by and some of us taking longer...Either way, thank you soo much for watching over mommy all this time. Kuttapi, my prince, my darling & everything, sending you tons of hugs and kisses on your birthday! I love you soo much.

Mommy Loves 5 years ago.... January 9, 2017
My Sweet Elijah,
You turned 5 this past year and now it has been 5 years you've been gone from mommy. I still can't believe all this happened to my baby and me. And I still do not have an explanation. Your were soo perfect. You were my life and my everything. I carried you for 9 months with perfection, had you in my arms for two months, and then you just left me...  As I sit and type while I'm at work right now, 5 years ago at this time I died seeing you hurt. My regret in life, I wish I wasn't at work when you were gone. For the past 4 years, I tried to avoid working this night and day because it was just too overwhelming for me. It is true that time will heal, but your my baby, how can mommy just get over that. I don't know who would. I don't know how people can compeletly forget everything and just move on so fast as if nothing everything ever happened.  My child, my baby boy, my sweel Elijah Kuttan and story of my life...The scars I carry still today are yours which I will always honor.  I'm not afraid anymore, each day God has been making me stronger.  Some days arent always my best, but I'm thankful to God for giving me all the opportunities to make changes, to become the best I can be. Elijah, my son, mommy loves you soo much and misses you everyday. Your smile surrounds me, when I look up in the sky, I see your beautiful face shining down at me, even on a cloudy & sad day.  I always try to find a star at night especially on my way to work, when I see one, I just smile and say that's you.  Snowy days in these past few days are also a memory of you.  Baby, I wait to hold you in my arms again. God is a good God, he will never leave you. No matter what happens, he's there to help us get through, and that is what he has done for me. I just thank him for getting me this far. I hope he allows me to hold my Elijah again even if it is for a second.

Love You KuttaInnocent Always forever.
Your Mommy. Kiss
Mommy Loves Operation Christmas in Memory of you! November 14, 2016

Mommy Loves Happy 5th Birthday to my Precious Love! Miss you.. November 9, 2016
Image result for happy birthday in heaven babyImage result for happy 6th birthday in heaven baby boy
Image result for happy 6th birthday in heaven baby boy

Mommy Loves Thinking of you... August 5, 2016
Mommy Loves Gift from Ammachi and Appacha. January 9, 2016
I will be forever married to this chain! I wish to put it back on you. I never take it off, that's how much I love you! 
Mommy Loves Memories with Ammachi and Appacha. January 9, 2016
Mommy Loves Your Never Forgotten My Baby Elijah. January 9, 2016
Dear Elijah, mommy is awake and remembering you and to tell you I love you a lot. I still hate this day, why I had to live through this nightmare.  It's still not fair, over and over I ask sometimes. I know I have to let go because your in a better place. i've been trying and it's all I can do now.  I know there is a purpose for all my sadness. I also know now why your really gone. And I could not make you stay. You my angel sacrificed your life for me. I can only be thankful to you, but your my baby, I wish it was me instead.  I know this world is cold and bitter and I rather have you safe with our precious Father in Heaven. Memories of you I remember getting you ready, picking out your clothes, and matching everything. It was truly an excitement. I just remember always your stare at mommy, the sweetest connection between you and mommy... I hope I made you proud! Sometimes I want to share this horrendous day and all that which followed to get rid of all my frustration. But it still won't bring you back, so I keep remaining calm and at peace. I won't give up, I know God made me Loyal to those I love. Tonight I looked to the Lord and read some verses from the Bible. I opened up to John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I will continue trusting God, even through my sadness, pain, and suffering. I hope I remain in his Love forever so that one day God would grant me my special gift to see you again. I love you and miss you my baby boy with all my heart and soul.

Love Always,
Mommy Loves Operation Christmas Child! Pic! November 15, 2015
Mommy Loves Operation Christmas Child! Elijah! November 15, 2015
Mommy Loves Balloons For You! November 14, 2015
Mommy Loves Operation Christmas Child! November 14, 2015
Mommy Loves Operation Christmas Child November 14, 2015
Mommy Loves Operation Christmas Child in Memory of Elijah! November 14, 2015
All Church Kids and family members ! Limited pictures of everyone, but  few that are capturedo random! Missing some that are present, they love you,  We love you. Thanks to all who participated! Especially Jincy Aunty who organized and Soni Mama assisted,  Edison chan an Susan Aunty spend time shopping. And Aunt Sherrin who gets balloons every year!  Thank you. 

Mommy Loves Happy 4th Birthday! November 9, 2015
Happy  Birthday My  Sweet Prince!  Your 4 years old now! Mommy can never ever forget this beautiful day! The day you were born and your smile  was the most precious thing in the world. You made it clear to me that you will be unforgettable. Oh how I love you. My heart is with you always. I long to hold you and give you million kisses and hugs Baby. Thanks for being with mommy all the time. Thanks for helping me through my lonliness. Thanks for shining bright in the sky on my tough days.  You will always be Mommy's most beautiful gift and blessing.  I cant wait to be with you again. I know God keeps his promises, and hoping one day my wish is granted to hold you again.  Till then my luv, mommy will wait for you. Happy Birthday Again in Heaven!  
With Love,
yours loving

Mommy Loves 3 yrs ago... January 9, 2015
It has been 3 yrs since my sweet Elijah baby boy has  gone to be with His father in Heaven.  I'm still sad and my thoughts are always of seeing Elijah. I miss him badly. God is definitly healing my heart though, and driving me closer and closer. I'm so thankful to God for his mercy and grace through these 3 yrs. I definitly has come a long way, I nvr imagined that. But, I still have a hole in my heart. I can nvr forget this unbearable day, and all those days that followed.  Even just a few hours ago, I had few images  this day's nightmare and suddenly I felt my heart was being twisted like a rope, the tightness was soo strong, it hurt a lot, I opened my work bag and took the water bottle and drank the entire water within seconds.  It relieved me.  I know satan is not far from me.  But, God wants me to only remember the good times and hope to see him again.  I feel soo much better when I think of his  Beautiful smile And thinking of him in a Heaven with Jesus. Last  few months I have been reading soo much about End Times, movies, articles More than ever. Im also very fearless to go public about it,  and this has nothing to do with son, but living Word  straight from Bible and testimonies from those  who came to Jesus in their most unbearable times.  my previous life would not have allowed this much time to  spend time  reading random peoples visions, dreams, articles, even meditate on God's word for  hours  and with deep thought.  I believe Jesus uses his ways  to comfort my broken heart.  There is soo much more greatness to come.  Our ultimate  destination is Heaven, my Elijah is already there , he is waiting for me there.  I  love stars! My star is my angel up there shining  and watching over me.  I love you  Elijah Kutten, mommy can't wait  to hold you again! I miss you, xoxoxo! 

Received hope from :
Verse of the day, YouVersion
 And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. (‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭10-12‬ MSG)
Kari Jobe "Im not Alone"
Also Matthew Chapter 18


By Judy Skapnik

A grieving parent is someone who will
never forget their child no matter how painful memories are.

A grieving parent is someone who yearns to be with their
dead but cannot conceive leaving their living ones.

A grieving parent is someone who has part of a heart as
the rest is buried with their child.

A grieving parent is someone who begs for relief from
the memories which plague them and then feels guilty when they get it.

A grieving parent is someone who pretends to be happy
and enjoying life when they really are dying inside.

A grieving parent is someone who can cry or laugh at
the drop of a hat whenever they remember their beloved child.

A grieving parent is someone who feels as if they just lost
their child yesterday no matter how much time has passed.

A grieving parent is someone who fears for their remaining
family because they cannot bear to have any more losses.

A grieving parent is someone who wants to help others who
have lost loved ones because somehow their loss is theirs all over again.

A Lifetime Wish

If I could have a lifetime wish
A dream that would come true.
I'd pray to God with all my heart
for yesterday and you.

A thousand words can't bring you back.
I know because I've tried.
And neither will a million tears
I know because I've cried.

You left behind my broken heart.
and happy memories too.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.


A tear of joy,
A tear of fear,
A tear of sadness,
A tear right here,
A tear from loss,
A tear from grief,
A tear of agony,
And of relief,
A tear of uncertainty,
A tear of hope,
A tear from peace,
And trying to cope,
A tear of loss,
Heart broken in two,
A tear from God's grace,
He knows what to do.
He gives me peace,
And is healing my heart,
And from the Lord,
I will never part.

Because of You
By J. Melia

Because of you I appreciate the sunset more than before.
Because of you I stop to look up at the moon and wish upon a star.
Because of you I look forward to hearing the birds sing in the morning,
and thank God for their beautiful songs.
Because of you I am more understanding of others and accept people for who they are.
Because of you material things do not matter.
Because of you the touch of someone you love is more precious than any gift you can receive.
Because of you I have a broken heart but I thank God for sending you to me.
For there is no stronger love than I hold for you.
Until we meet again...


Just for today, I will try to live through the next 24 hours...not expecting to get over my child's death, but learning to live with day at a time

Just for today, I'll remember my child's life, not his death, and bask in the comfort of the treasured days and moments we shared.

Just for today, I will forgive all the family and friends who didn't help or comfort me the way I needed them to. They truly did not know how.

Just for today, I will reach out to comfort a relative or friend of my child. For they are hurting too, and perhaps we can help each other.

Just for today, I will free myself from my self-inflicted burden of guilt. For deep in my heart, I know if there was anything in this world I could have done to save my child from death, I would have done it.

Just for today, I will honor my child's memory by doing something with another child, be it my own, or someone else's, because I know that would make my child proud.

Just for today, I will offer my hand in friendship to other bereaved parents, fo I DO know how they feel.

Just for today, I will matter how much I hurt on the inside...for maybe if I smile a little, my heart will soften and I will begin to heal.

Just for today, I will allow myself to be happy and enjoy myself, for I know I am not deserting my child by moving on.

Just for today, I will accept that I did NOT die when my child did. My life did go on and I am the ONLY one who can make that life worthwhile again.

Mommy Loves Operation Christmas Child In Loving Memory of You! November 10, 2014
Mommy Loves For you! November 10, 2014
Mommy Loves Happy. 3rd Birthday My Sweet Prince! November 9, 2014

Happy Birthday to my precious Baby boy! Mommy always thinks of you everyday! This morning I was driving home from work as if I was running to come to hold you. I worked in the nursery last night, holding babies which I am reminded of your innocent love around me. This day is supposed to be the most joyful day of my life, though it is still, mommy is very sad your not hear... It drives me crazy sometimes, that I keep telling myself I know your happy with Jesus. I fail you sometimes cause it's unbearable at times to understand all that has happened . I feel really handicapped mentally at times, but Your my angel that watches over me to get by each day. Our Loving God never let me go. Thank you so much. I just can't wait to be where you are. Thanking Jincy chechi and Soni mama for the Operation Christmas Shoeboxes in Loving Memory Of you! I hope kids who receive those wonderful gifts and have joy, peace, above all know they are loved by all this Christmas time. Your Jincy Aunty did a beautiful job creating the shirts for all of us and planning everything ! Church kids and all our dear families helped out and loves you, and they all hope to see you one day! Every day that's our wish and mine especially! Hope you got our balloons!!!
I love you soo much, misss u, and Happy 3rd Birthday Kuttapee!!!

Today's Verse!
If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care — then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. (‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭1-4‬ MSG).

Mommy Loves Happy Birthday! November 9, 2014
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